SCABLE recently played host to an 85-person-strong group from SK. ST. Patrick Semadang on the 25th of October 2013. This educational field trip to SCABLE ’s factory was organized by the school’s Parents Teacher Association and comprised of students from Primary 3 to Primary 6, their teachers, and their parents.
The group was warmly ushered in by staff members and briefed by Mr. Bernard Chai (Group Company Secretary & CSR Chairman) and Mr. William Sim (Production Manager), before being taken on an informative tour through the inner workings of Sarawak Cable. Enthusiasm abounded and both staff and the SK. St. Patrick's team enjoyed the educational lesson on the process behind cable making and its various functions immensely. This educational field trip is but one of many visits SCABLE has hosted, with a genuine desire to express goodwill in accordance with its CSR theme